Signature Taipan Char Siu Combination Roast Meat with Rice (大班叉燒雙拼飯)
$159.002 Choices of Combination Roast Meat with Rice (雙拼燒味飯)
$124.00Signature Taipan Char Siu with Rice (大班叉燒飯)
$124.00Combination Goose Leg with Rice (燒鵝髀雙拼飯)
$228.00Roast Goose Breast with Noodles (燒鵝胸粉麵)
$124.00Combination Chicken Leg with Rice (雞髀雙拼飯)
$193.00Roast Goose - Leg (燒鵝髀)
$184.003 Choices of Combination Roast Meat with Rice (三拼燒味飯)
$159.00Signature Fatty Combination Roast Meat with Rice (甘一刀雙拼飯)
$159.00Roast Goose Leg with Noodles (燒鵝髀粉麵)
Kamcentre Roast Goose Set (甘棠燒鵝套餐)
Roast Goose 1/4 Upper Set (燒鵝上莊套餐)
Roast goose 1/4 upper with poached choy sum and two rice / two lai fun noodles (燒鵝上莊一份,白灼菜心一份及白飯兩碗或瀨粉兩碗)$288.00Roast Goose 1/4 Lower Set (燒鵝下莊套餐)
Roast goose 1/4 lower with poached choy sum and two rice / two lai fun noodles (燒鵝下莊一份,白灼菜心一份及白飯兩碗或瀨粉兩碗)$298.00Half Roast Goose Set (甘棠燒鵝半隻套餐)
Half roast goose with poached choy sum and four rice / four lai fun noodles (燒鵝半隻,白灼菜心一份及白飯四碗或瀨粉四碗)$448.00
Kamcentre Lunch Set (甘棠午市套餐)
Lunch Set (午市套餐)
Choice of combination roast meat with rice, add-on for a drink and/or soup (自選雙拼飯,可加配飲品及/或湯)$124.00
Rice with BBQ Meat (燒味飯)
Signature Taipan Char Siu Combination Roast Meat with Rice (大班叉燒雙拼飯)
$159.002 Choices of Combination Roast Meat with Rice (雙拼燒味飯)
$124.00Combination Goose Leg with Rice (燒鵝髀雙拼飯)
$228.00Combination Chicken Leg with Rice (雞髀雙拼飯)
$193.00Signature Taipan Char Siu with Rice (大班叉燒飯)
Lean & Caramelised (瘦燶)$124.00Signature Fatty Combination Roast Meat with Rice (甘一刀雙拼飯)
$159.003 Choices of Combination Roast Meat with Rice (三拼燒味飯)
$159.00Roast Goose Leg with Rice (燒鵝髀飯)
Limited Supply (限量供應)$193.00Roast Goose Breast with Rice (燒鵝胸飯)
$124.00Spanish Char Siu with Fried Egg and Rice (豚肉叉燒煎蛋飯)
$124.00Soy Marinated Chicken with Rice (新鮮豉油雞飯)
$90.00Signature Fatty Char Siu with Rice (甘一刀肥燶叉燒飯)
Fatty & Caramelised (肥燶)$124.00Fresh Farm Chicken Leg with Rice (新鮮文昌雞髀飯)
$113.00Roast Pork Belly with Rice (燒腩仔飯)
$78.00Kamcentre Signature Rice Bowl (甘玉滿棠)
Extra 15 minutes of preparation time (額外需時15分鐘)$147.00Roast Goose Back with Rice (燒鵝背飯)
$124.00Soy Marinated Chicken Leg with Rice (新鮮豉油雞髀飯)
$113.00Spanish Char Siu with Rice (豚肉叉燒飯)
$101.00Soy Marinated Chicken Breast with Rice (新鮮豉油雞胸飯)
$147.00Roast Goose with Rice (燒鵝飯)
$113.00Steamed Rice (絲苗白飯)
$21.00Fresh Farm Chicken with Rice (新鮮文昌雞飯)
$90.00Fresh Farm Chicken Breast with Rice (新鮮文昌雞胸飯)
$147.00Fresh Farm Chicken Back with Rice (新鮮文昌雞背飯)
$90.00Soy Marinated Chicken Back with Rice (新鮮豉油雞背飯)
Noodles (粉麵)
Roast Goose Breast with Noodles (燒鵝胸粉麵)
$124.00Roast Goose Leg with Noodles (燒鵝髀粉麵)
$193.00Signature Taipan Char Siu with Noodles (大班叉燒粉麵)
Lean & Caramelised (瘦燶)$124.00Soy Marinated Chicken Leg with Noodles (新鮮豉油雞髀粉麵)
$113.00Signature Fatty Char Siu with Noodles (甘一刀肥燶叉燒粉麵)
Fatty & Caramelised (肥燶)$124.00Roast Goose with Noodles (燒鵝粉麵)
$113.00Roast Pork Belly with Noodles (燒腩仔粉麵)
$78.00Noodles with Soup (淨粉麵)
$29.00Roast Goose Back with Noodles (燒鵝背粉麵)
$124.00Fresh Farm Chicken Leg with Noodles (新鮮文昌雞髀粉麵)
$113.00Fresh Farm Chicken with Noodles (新鮮文昌雞粉麵)
$90.00Fresh Farm Chicken Breast with Noodles (新鮮文昌雞胸粉麵)
$147.00Fresh Farm Chicken Back with Noodles (新鮮文昌雞背粉麵)
$90.00Soy Marinated Chicken with Noodles (新鮮豉油雞粉麵)
$90.00Soy Marinated Chicken Breast with Noodles (新鮮豉油雞胸粉麵)
$147.00Soy Marinated Chicken Back with Noodles (新鮮豉油雞背粉麵)
$90.00Spanish Char Siu with Noodles (豚肉叉燒粉麵)
$101.00Dry Noodle with Shrimp Roe (蝦子撈麵)
$78.00Dry Noodle with Goose Oil (甘棠鵝油撈麵)
Roast Goose (燒鵝)
Roast Goose - Whole (甘棠燒鵝皇一隻)
$748.00Roast Goose - Leg (燒鵝髀)
Limited Supply (限量供應)$184.00Roast Goose - Breast (燒鵝胸)
$207.00Roast Goose - Half (甘棠燒鵝半隻)
$380.00Roast Goose - 1/4 Lower (燒鵝下莊)
Limited Supply (限量供應)$230.00Roast Goose - 1/4 Upper (燒鵝上莊)
$219.00Roast Goose - Back (燒鵝背)
Chicken (雞)
Soy Marinated Chicken - Leg (新鮮豉油雞髀)
Limited Supply (限量供應)$115.00Soy Marinated Chicken - Whole (新鮮豉油雞一隻)
$552.00Soy Marinated Chicken - Breast (新鮮豉油雞胸)
$159.00Fresh Farm Chicken - Leg (新鮮文昌雞髀)
Limited Supply (限量供應)$115.00Fresh Farm Chicken - Half (新鮮文昌雞半隻)
$322.00Soy Marinated Chicken - 1/4 Upper (新鮮豉油雞上莊)
$161.00Fresh Farm Chicken - Breast (新鮮文昌雞胸)
$159.00Soy Marinated Chicken - 1/4 Lower (新鮮豉油雞下莊)
$173.00Fresh Farm Chicken - Whole (新鮮文昌雞一隻)
$552.00Fresh Farm Chicken - 1/4 Upper (新鮮文昌雞上莊)
$161.00Fresh Farm Chicken - 1/4 Lower (新鮮文昌雞下莊)
$173.00Soy Marinated Chicken - Half (新鮮豉油雞半隻)
Spanish Char Siu (叉燒)
Signature Taipan Char Siu (大班叉燒)
Lean & Caramelised (瘦燶)$228.00Spanish Char Siu (西班牙豚肉叉燒)
$193.00Spanish Taipan Char Siu - Pc (大班叉燒 - 每件)
Lean & Caramelised (瘦燶)$41.00甘棠鴛鴦叉燒雙併
西班牙豚肉叉燒、甘一刀肥燶叉燒、大班叉燒$82.00Signature Spanish Fatty Char Siu (甘一刀肥燶叉燒)
Fatty & Caramelised (肥燶)$228.00Signature Spanish Fatty Char Siu - Pc (甘一刀肥燶叉燒 - 每件)
Fatty & Caramelised (肥燶)$41.00
Roasted Pork Belly (燒腩仔)
Roast Pork Belly (燒腩仔)
Combination Roast Meat (燒味雙拼)
Combination Roast Meat (燒味雙拼)
$242.00Roast Goose & Char Siu (叉鵝雙拼)
Soy Marinated Delicacies (滷水)
Signature Shrimp Roe in Tofu Skin (蝦子紮蹄)
$113.00Signature Slow Cooked Foie Gras - Pc (滷水慢煮法國鵝肝 - 每件)
$92.00Fried Egg (煎蛋)
$23.00Foie Gras Sausage - Pc (甘棠鵝肝腸 - 每條)
$35.00Lean Pork Sausage - Pc (甘棠加瘦切肉臘腸 - 每條)
$35.00Honey Bean (蜜餞豆)
Soup (湯品)
Signature Watercress Soup (西洋菜陳腎牛鰍魚豬踭湯)
Soup ingredients subject to availability (數量不足時,可能不連湯料)。$55.00
Vegetables (青菜)
Poached Choy Sum (白灼菜心)
Alcohol (酒類)
1664 Blanc - Bottle (樽裝)
$52.00Asahi - Can (朝日啤酒 - 罐裝)
$44.00Corona - Bottle (樽裝)
Drink (飲品)
Iced Lemon Tea (凍檸檬茶)
$35.00Iced HK Style Milk Tea (凍港式奶茶)
$29.00Hot HK Style Milk Tea (熱港式奶茶)
$25.00Coca-Cola No Sugar (無糖可樂)
$17.00Bottled Oolong Tea (津路烏龍茶)
$17.00Hot Lemon Tea (熱檸檬茶)
$29.00Coca-Cola (可樂)
$17.00Sprite (雪碧)
$17.00Pu-Erh Tea (普洱茶)
$23.00Jasmine Tea (香片茶)
$23.00Tieguanyin Tea (鐵觀音茶)
$23.00Hot Lemon Water (熱檸檬水)
$29.00Iced Lemon Water (凍檸檬水)
$35.00Evian Mineral Water (Evian 礦泉水)
$29.00Perrier Mineral Water (Perrier 礦泉水)